
"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin

ThyRoid Less Traveled blog

April 3, 2012 marks the day I had my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer. July 3, 2012 I had radioactive iodine treatement and was quarantined for 5 days in my home. I couldn't be within 6' of anyone. Here is the story of how I coped with losing a thyroid.

Since 2002 thyroid cancer has increased 173 percent and yet it seems like no one really talks about what happens when you lose a thyroid. I did my best to ask as many questions as I could and relay all the information I received. Fortunately, I had great doctors and patient friends and family to help me through this bump in ThyRoid. If you are going through the same situation or need someone to talk to, feel free to email me. I hope this blog answers some questions and creates some levity during a difficult time in one's life.

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